Criteria C-Creating the solution ( term 2)

Task 1


Task 2 :
Making the product

We are separating other products for materials to make our own.

Finishing the first part of the product and working on the second one.

The product is done, it just need a little bit of decorating.

Task 3

The product is totally different then the starting idea because the idea changed and we made a different one. Making this product was harder the we thought, but we did it and that is important.  

Task 4

The idea was to make our cute little walking robot dog, but after realizing that the product is not good enough we decided to change the idea and the product into a vacuum cleaner. Our new product is not exactly how we planed, but it is good enough and we put a lot of effort and work to make it. 


  1. You have written basic production plan by providing a few activities planned to do in Criterion C. Process journal with a few pictures and brief information is posted and shows some steps in creation of your product. Justification about changes made to your product include a few basic information. To improve, add more activities to make your production plan detailed. Post more pictures for your process journal and write detailed explanation for every picture posted. Write more precise explanation about the changes made to your product comparing to the initial idea.


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